DOI: 10.17151/rlef.2022.14.1.2
How to Cite
Escudero Vallejo, F. J. ., & Trejos Jaramillo, W. A. . (2022). Covid-19 and its relationship with domestic violence during the months april to october 2020. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 14(1), 13–28.


Francy Julieth Escudero Vallejo
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar
William Andrés Trejos Jaramillo
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


Abstract: Objetive. To analyze the relationship between the health emergency caused by COVID-19 and domestic violence from April to October 2020. Methodology. Documentary review. Results and conclusions. Mobility restrictions, intense coexistence in the home, job instability, educational accompaniment at home to children who previously had guides in educational institutions, fear and uncertainty in the face of an unprecedented situation such as the appearance of a pandemic in the 21st century, are factors that can encourage verbal, physical or psychological violence in the family. The result is the multifactor correlation between domestic violence and the health emergency caused by COVID-19, associated with
stress, dissatisfaction of basic needs, parental overload and fear of contagion. The increase in calls to professional hotlines for psychological help and legal guidance for assaults within the home, account for this.

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