How to Cite
Busson, S. . (2009). The Family Police. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 1, 165–183. Retrieved from


Shayana Busson


Abstract: This article reviews the classic book “The Family Police” of the French author, Jacques Donzelot. The article offers a historical perception of how family organizations are formed and how they change over time, according to the interests of a state that wanted to ally with families, dictating standards and rights in order to reduce social problems. From the 18th century, Donzelot reports a range of state codes targeted to families and young offenders. 

Donzelot, Jacques. 1986. A polícia das famílias. Rio de Janeiro: editora Graal.

Gouvêa, Maria Cristina Soares de y Mônica Yumi Jinzenji. 2006. Escolarizar para moralizar: discursos sobre a educabilidade da criança pobre (1820-1850). Rev. Bras. Educ. 11, No. 31: 114-132.

Nunes, Alexim Silvia. 1991. A medicina social e regulação do corpo feminino. Ver. De Saúde Coletiva 1, No. 1.


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