How to Cite
Sánchez Molina, R. ., Tomé Martín, P. ., & Valencia, M. Ángeles . (2009). New times, new families: ethnographical approximations in the study of contemporary family configurations. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 1, 22–45. Retrieved from


Raúl Sánchez Molina
Pedro Tomé Martín
Mª Ángeles Valencia


Abstract: This article is an academic effort to make visible the contemporary family configurations as a result of the ongoing globalization processes. Ethnographic studies conducted with families in Mexico, El Salvador and Spain, support the discussion, and reveal changings in both structures and relationships. In the first part, the article presents the way in which social anthropology was concerned with the models of coresidential families and inheritance rules. It also documents the manner in  which the head of the household in Los Altos de Jalisco in Mexico and the Sierra de Avila in Spain, does not depend on an immovable position within a genealogical structure but on social contexts in which these relationships take place. In the second section, the paper deals with the migratory effects on re-shaping family as “transnational family”. As a result Transnational motherhood had become a family adjustment that many immigrant women have to do in order to adapt to both spatial and temporal family separation. By transnationalizing family migrants seek to maximize their own resources in a global economy in spite of restrictive migratory policies in host societies. 

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