How to Cite
Montoya Zavala, E. ., & Woo Morales, O. . (2011). Mexican inmigrant families face to inmigration policy reform in Arizona. Perceptions of anti-inmigrant laws. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 3, 245–263. Retrieved from


Erika Montoya Zavala
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Ofelia Woo Morales
Universidad de Guadalajara


Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present some of the immigration policy reforms that have been proposed in the state of Arizona and understand the immigrants’ perceptions through their testimony. The Mexican Household Survey in Phoenix, 2007 is used to describe the Mexican families’ structure and immigration status. An opinion survey conducted with Mexican family members is used to show their perception about anti-immigrant atmosphere that exists specifically in Phoenix.

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