How to Cite
Ferraris, S., & Rosas, C. . (2011). The building of heterosexual core families in a recent migration. Female peruvian immigrants who reside in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AM BA). Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 3, 105–126. Retrieved from


Sabrina Ferraris
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Carolina Rosas


Abstract: In the frame of life course perspective, the following work analyzes the building of families (with heterosexual core) among Peruvian immigrant females who reside in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) over the last recent years. This work deals with two calendars, the first union and the birth of first child, in two generations: 1968-1977 and 1978-1987. Furthermore, these calendars are analyzed among the female population in the country of origin in order to compare immigrant with women who remain in Peru, and therefore be able to speculate about the effects of migration on family formation.

Two data sources are used: a) The Peruvian Migration and Gender Survey 2007 that was carried out in the AMBA, b) The Demographic and Family Health Survey 2007 that was carried out in Peru. Among the main results, it can be highlighted that immigrants who make part of the younger generation are forming their families at an earlier age than members of the older one. Such fact seems to be opposite to what is taking place in Peru, where one can find evidence of a delay in the age at which women assume family roles. It’s suggested that migratory experience analyzed became a turning point in the life trajectory of the respondents, which is especially true for the youngest generation.

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