How to Cite
Sandoval Forero, E. A. . (2011). Virtual ethnography families for transnational study In mexico and the united states. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 3, 85–104. Retrieved from


Eduardo Andrés Sandoval Forero
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


Abstract: Transnational families originating from Mexico State and with final employment place in the United States, have ventured in the appropriation and use of new technologies of information and communication (NTIC) to enhance their complex intra and extra familiar relationships in their environments of origin and destination.
This intense two-way relationship of migrant families, which share two cultures and recreate two national identities, are mediated by the use of the NICTs, virtual exchanges that make up new cultural traits that cover different areas of family life, starting with the technological learning, which induces the establishment of virtual
and real relationships that affect the organization and family at the time, and in transnational space. This type of transnational families, we have called them “virtual migrant families”, because of the intensity with they use cyberspace, family relationships established by the netizens, and the construction and deconstruction that their members make migration occur in different territorial areas. These features present in globalization, are likely to be studied from the perspective of the cybersocioanthropology. From this, this text presents the theoretical and conceptual elaborations, working together with the method of virtual ethnography, were used
for the knowledge of the trans-cultural dynamics of transnational migrant families that have appropriating technology for use in virtual environments.

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