How to Cite
Estrada Mesa, Ángela M. . (2012). Challenges to non-hegemonic subjectification in the transformation of cultural representation of the concepts of love, family and identity a view from queer theory. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 4, 119–137. Retrieved from


Ángela María Estrada Mesa
Universidades Federal de Paraíba y Federal de Rio Grande


Abstract: Based on a strong ethnographic base, this work presents a theoretical critique that seeks to problematize the idea of adequacy of inclusion of the other, of difference, as a source for transformative strategies of social institutions and of culture, while otherwise such a strategy can neutralize the transformative potential that embodies subject positions and non-hegemonic narrative identities (the notion of homosexuality is abandoned). Indeed, the paper criticizes conceptions of romantic love and modern nuclear family that contemporary gay political movements are claiming, from inclusion as priority or exclusive political achievement, since in the process are trapped in the defense of modern institutions. The work suggests the importance of the gay movement considering the proposals of love, family and identity from the postmodern feminist critiques in order to strengthen their potential for cultural change.

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