How to Cite
Franco Patiño, S. M. . (2013). Changes and stays in the process of family feeding. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 5, 83–105. Retrieved from


Sandra Milena Franco Patiño
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract: This report aims to analyze the consistencies and changes in the gender-specific ideology and practices regarding the planning, organization and delegation of tasks required in the process of preparing food for the household among rural families of Marmato (Caldas, Colombia). The main objective herein is to understand the situations or the issues that give rise to changes in gender relations and the creation of masculine and feminine identities. The research conducted, combined various techniques for collecting qualitative information to include, interviews with family groups, observations of the different processes of food preparation at home and recording the amount of time spent by each family member to complete their specific tasks assigned to them based on their age and gender. The results show that in the socialization function of the family, there is a continuum in both ideologies and practices that reproduces and modifies the model of gender-based division of labor which
maintains gender inequalities. In the context of the study, the traditional character of political, economic and social conditions maintained the ideology of house work, such as cooking and caring for the family. However, the cultural reproduction of social life is confronted by particular life situations and rearrangements in family
and social organization, which require that individuals and families generate forms that are different that the learning to introduced.

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