How to Cite
Cuervo Rodríguez, J. J. . (2014). Enduring conjugality: study of the conversation of two viable couples. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 6, 171–190. Retrieved from


Juan José Cuervo Rodríguez
Escuela de Terapia Familiar del Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona, España.


Abstract: Objective. To present the results obtained by two couples participating in the doctoral study “Communication and endurance in viable couples”. Multiple-case observational study, whose main objective was aimed at understanding the communication processes of couples who met the following conditions of participation: coexisting period not less than five years, voluntary participation, not to be receiving or have received psychotherapeutic processes, and achieve significant a score in the use of assertive communication strategies. Methodology. The study was set from what is stipulated by the systematic observational methodology. Conceptually, a comprehensive theoretical model is considered from John Gottman, Juan Luis Linares and Fernando Poyatos’ premises. The couples were recorded with a Gesell camera discussing their marital relationship. These recordings were transcribed and coded. Results and conclusions. From the structural analysis carried out, it is possible to identify that during the conversation, as interactional psychological space, the dynamics of control in the use of the word was shared; also, as it might be expected and given the nature of the activity, the prominent dominance of speech defined codes is present in both cases.

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