How to Cite
Sánchez Jiménez, M. H. (2014). Therapeutic conversational movements of problem to change and sociolinguistic creations. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 6, 191–210. Retrieved from


María Hilda Sánchez Jiménez
Universidad de Buenos Aires


Abstract: Objective. To share theoretical, conceptual and methodological sociolinguistic signs that people build during therapeutic conversation. Methodology. The methodological approach articulates grounded theory guidelines and microanalysis of human communication, following step by step the guidelines that connect interactive languages between therapists and patients. On this basis, the article explains and contrasts three moments: the problem, the redefinition and the change containing different features both in the dialogic creation and in the narrative fragments. Results. This text articulates three sociolinguistic categories, namely: codes, procedural time and interactive contexts, which are not easily perceived in a therapeutic conversation and even less in the conversations of everyday life. The richness of these dialogic fields is the encounter between people’s diverse voices and the delicate work of the actions and relational creations that unites them: a problem or its transformation. The central idea is to answer the following question: what dialogic forms keep the troubled platform and which drive languages change? Conclusions. The text provides guidelines to observe and understand some features of the languages of the problem and the languages of change that will help therapists identify in which conversational transaction the patients’ relationships are as well as the relationship of the therapist with the patients.

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