How to Cite
Páez Cala, M. L. (2014). Emotional ties of the youth: dilemmas and convergences between parents and children. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 6, 114–129. Retrieved from


Martha Luz Páez Cala
Universidad de Manizales


Abstract: It was investigated regarding the dilemmas and convergences between parents and children, in relation to the emotional ties established by the youth. We worked with two focus groups of young people aged 14 to 18 and their parents: a group in the urban area and another in the suburbs. Parents, from their perspective of adults, tend to disqualify and negatively connote youth emotional relationships; assuming the engagement of their children as an informal relationship, as its objective is not to procreate, which is paradoxical as that is their greatest fear. Meanwhile the adolescents define their dating relationships as a serious commitment, built with maturity, responsibility and loyalty. The vision of the parents, especially in the suburban area, is characteristic to the beliefs of the patriarch and traditional culture. The findings suggest little open and fluid discussion in regard to the topic; adults are more defined from their youth experiences and remember their own processes. This causes more fear to the actual times and generates a greater distance from their children.

The results are an invitation for create more spaces for the parents and children to meet, in order to encourage reflection, renewal of perceptions and a more democratic decision making. This all to build healthy emotional experiences for the youth and their families.

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