DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/luaz.2015.41.12
How to Cite
Marín López, Y., Bedoya Patiño, C. G., & Cárdenas Grajales, G. I. (2015). Adaptation strategies and livelihood of families making up the village foundation council -VFC- municipality of Calarca, Quindio. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (41), 201–239.


Yuli Marín López
Carlos Gilberto Bedoya Patiño
Gloria Inés Cárdenas Grajales


This article presents the structure of living strategies of the rural organization “Village Foundation Council” located in the Travesías village, municipality of Calarcá, where a study with nine families beneficiary of the process of the agrarian reformation Law 160 of 1994 took place which had as objective the identification of living strategies of the homes and the restrictions which inhibit the success of these strategies. The study was carried out through the characterization of the production systems and the identification of livelihood families display for their survival. The DFID –Department for International Development– Livehood Focus methodology was used to value the human, social, natural, physical and financial capitals by means of the measurement of 17 indicators belonging to five capitals.The results of the study allowed the identification of the ways of livelihood used by this community to adapt to the new dynamics generated by the effects of globalization in the rural sector in peasant economy and particularly because of the coffee growers crisis. It was possible to achieve the identification of strategies that the families implement in order to generate income and better living conditions as well as the interactions that exist between these and social phenomena such as poverty, origin and distribution of incomes, policies for diversification, diversification vs. agriculture, social organization, education and access to markets. The results of the study, shows that the capitals with higher evaluation were the social with a 4.16 average and Physical with a 4.04. average The capitals with lower evaluation were the Social with a 3.09 average and the financial with a 3.29 average . The natural capital is located in a middle range with 3.56.

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