The study of the specific features of the European Union and its future prospects regarding its development and existence is particularly relevant in light of current events such as the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war, which pose significant challenges for the normal functioning of the European Union. This article aims to find out, analyze and reveal the
history of the formation of the European Union, the challenges it has faced, and its prospects for further development and improvement as a unique association of European countries. The main methods employed in this study include: systematic analysis, historical research, forecasting. The findings provide insights into the origins and subsequent formation of the European Union, as well as the functioning of its institutions. The article also examines various challenges that accompanied the development of the European Union and how it addresses them, with particular, focus on the withdrawal of Great Britain, the coronavirus pandemic, the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and anticipated energy and inflation crises. Additionally, the article discusses prospective scenarios for the further development of the European Union in light of contemporary challenges. In particular, given a historical analysis of the functioning of the European Union, the study proposes potential paths for the Union’s continued existence. The findings contribute to further research in relevant fields such as history, sociology, and law, serving as a valuable reference material for exploring the peculiarities of the European Union.
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