DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2022.19.1.4
How to Cite
Cuchumbé Holguín, N. J. ., & Molina Hincapié, S. . (2022). Meanings of political crime and political participation projected by the magistrates of the Colombian Constitutional Court through the arguments used in the judgment C-577 of 2014 and dissenting votes. Jurídicas, 19(1), 57–73.


Nelson Jair Cuchumbé Holguín
Universidad del Valle
Perfil Google Scholar
Sergio Molina Hincapié
Universidad del Valle
Perfil Google Scholar


The objective of this work is to show the meanings of political crime and participation in politics projected by the magistrates of the Colombian  Constitutional Court through the arguments used in judgment C-577 of 2014 and in their dissenting votes. The methodological approach chosen was
descriptive and interpretive, focused on the analysis of how the arguments put into play in judgment C-577 of 2014 by the magistrates of the Constitutional Court contributed to updating the sense of political crime and participation in politics in Colombia. Three results stand out: 1) the majority
of the magistrates used an argumentative model in order to project a sense of inclusion and deliberation regarding how participation in politics and political crime should be interpreted; 2) the total dissident magistrate resorted to an argumentative scheme to position a merely formal sense focused on the follow-up of unavoidable procedures; and 3) the partial dissenting magistrates used an argumentative model with the purpose of introducing a sense of radical inclusion. It is concluded that the deliberative inclusive sense managed to position itself in Colombia as an obligatory reference when the secondary constituent intends to regulate the function constitutionally attributed to the Legislator to set the normative content of the political crime in order to favor the participation in politics of those who have participated in the internal armed conflict within a context of transitional justice.

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