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Márquez Buitrago, M. (2005). -. Jurídicas, 2(1), 67–79. Retrieved from


Mauricio Márquez Buitrago
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present test is an approach to the concept of social State of right, starting off of the elements that integrate it: State, Nation and Republic. Their main characteristics are approached from the perspective of the Constitutional Court, to delimit their reach in the colombian legal ordering from the Constitution of 1991. Later a brief review is made of some sentences of the Court, in which the value of the human dignity is vindicated, like fundamental element of the performances of the State, distinguishing the mission of the legislative power like promoter of the quality of life and the judicial power like guarantor of well-being of the individual in society. Finally, a reflection about the paper of the constitutional judges in terms of the impact of its sentences for the legal security.

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UPRIMNY YÉPEZ, Rodrigo. 1998. "La motivación de las sentencias y el papel del juez en el Estado social y democrático de derecho", en: Pensamiento Jurídico N°4. Bogotá. Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas.

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Sentencias de la Corte Constitucional

T-406 de 1992. Magistrado Ponente: Ciro Angarita Barón.

T-499 de 1992. Magistrado Ponente: Eduardo Cifuentes Muñoz

T-505 de 1992. Magistrado Ponente: Eduardo Cifuentes Muñoz

C-575 de 1992. Magistrado Sustanciador: Alejandro Martínez Caballero


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