How to Cite
Méndez, G. (2008). A review of the concept of exploitation in the world—system of Wallerstein and its application to the project of the free trade area of the americas. Jurídicas, 5(1), 95–124. Retrieved from


Gabriel Méndez
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This paper seeks a possible criticism of the world—system of Immanuel Wallerstein. First, the concept of ‘exploitation’ is reviewed which is present in his traditional Neo—Marxist formulation from the following theoretical contributions: 1) the notion of ‘double-decker capitalism’ by Gere Duménil and Dominique Levy, 2) the General Theory of Exploitation John E. Roemer, and 3) the Endogenous Growth Theory by Paul Romer. Then, once the system-world is revised using the previous contributions, it is used to interpret in a favorable manner the neoliberal project of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, FTAA. It tries to offer a solution to the central geopolitical problem of Latin America: the election of a strategic model for the future. This solution would be given by its joint transformation into a new semi-periphery of the most developed area of global capitalism. This is an option that differs from Wallerstein’s viewpoint, for whom, the U.S. is in decline. However, resistance to such a project would involve a new division of the Americas, as a reedition of the famous Tordesillas Meridian.

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