This paper seeks a possible criticism of the world—system of Immanuel Wallerstein. First, the concept of ‘exploitation’ is reviewed which is present in his traditional Neo—Marxist formulation from the following theoretical contributions: 1) the notion of ‘double-decker capitalism’ by Gere Duménil and Dominique Levy, 2) the General Theory of Exploitation John E. Roemer, and 3) the Endogenous Growth Theory by Paul Romer. Then, once the system-world is revised using the previous contributions, it is used to interpret in a favorable manner the neoliberal project of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, FTAA. It tries to offer a solution to the central geopolitical problem of Latin America: the election of a strategic model for the future. This solution would be given by its joint transformation into a new semi-periphery of the most developed area of global capitalism. This is an option that differs from Wallerstein’s viewpoint, for whom, the U.S. is in decline. However, resistance to such a project would involve a new division of the Americas, as a reedition of the famous Tordesillas Meridian.
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