How to Cite
Bello Atencio, M. (2010). Piercing the corporate veil of the cooperatives in Venezuela. Jurídicas, 7(1), 117–134. Retrieved from


Mariadela Bello Atencio
Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín


The article refers to the study of the piercing the corporative veil doctrine in the cooperatives that obtain mercantile profit through the deviated performance of the collective entity. In this sense, the general objective of the article was oriented to determine the applicability of such doctrine in cooperatives. It was a legal documentary investigation with a bibliographical design which technique for data collection was bibliographic index cards and documentary observation of the cooperative associations’ special law, the Penal Code, the homeland jurisprudence and the national and foreign doctrine. It is concluded that the application of the piercing of the cooperative veil of cooperatives is legal because it is the result of making an analogy between the mercantile societies and the cooperatives in relation with the necessary and activating suppositions of the aforementioned doctrine.

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