How to Cite
Gómez Bautista, J. A. (2013). Mining and the precaution and prevention principles in environmental public policies in the coffee triangle. Jurídicas, 10(1), 225–238. Retrieved from


Jorge Alfredo Gómez Bautista
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


Environmental impact generated over the past 50 years in the search for supplying alimentary, housing, technological and social needs, obviously including population increase, has left a negative label on humanity development. Characteristics proper of environment as a related fundamental right, allows determining that it lacks geographical limits with a dynamic and progressive nature which demands special supervising, cultural cohesion and a clear governmental regulation so that within its power, its defense can be legalized. Because of this, worrying conclusions from studies which analyze the mining development in Colombia, determined that in the Eco region called “Eje Cafetero” (“Coffee Triangle”) the increase of gold and silver production have generated negative statistics before the environment defense in a region devoted to Ecotourism and agricultural exploitation.

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