DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2018.15.2.3
How to Cite
Mendieta, D. ., & Tobón-Tobón, M. L. . (2018). The separation of powers and the system of checks and balances in the United States: from Hamilton, Madison and Marshall’s dream to the threat of the imperial presidency. Jurídicas, 15(2), 36–52.


Mary Luz Tobón-Tobón
Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana
Perfil Google Scholar


The objective of this paper is to determine whether, after 230 years of the Constitution of the United Stated of America, the pillars of the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances that authors like Hamilton, Madison and Marshall helped design or, otherwise, whether what some authors call “the imperial presidency” has been implemented. The methodology used is of a dogmatic historical nature. The conclusion is that the personality of the president of the American Union has become a noninstitutionalized limit which is extremely dangerous and contradicts the very idea of the Rule of Law. Facing the threat of the “president emperor”, today it is unavoidable to remember the principles that inspired the Constitution of the United States and the limits it imposes on the different powers, including the executive.

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