DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2019.16.1.10
How to Cite
Barreto-Moreno, A. A. ., & Pulido-Ortiz, F. E. (2019). The sanctioning nature of the regime of inabilities and incompatibilities. Jurídicas, 16(1), 153–171.


Antonio Alejandro Barreto-Moreno
a Universidad de La Sabana
Perfil Google Scholar
Fabio Enrique Pulido-Ortiz
Universidad de La Sabana
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In contemporary administrative law, the sanctioning function of its authority is highlighted. This paper explains how this characteristic has impacted on the implementation of the regime of inabilities and incompatibilities of public hiring in Colombian law. For this, two ways of implementing this regime are identified: 1) The regulations of the disabilities and incompatibilities as rules for limiting the ability to perform certain legal acts, and 2) the incorporation of disabilities and incompatibilities as part of the content of sanctioning legal rules. From the conceptualization of the sanctioning rules it is concluded that the current regime of inabilities and incompatibilities in public hiring is of a sanctioning nature

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