How to Cite
Márquez Buitrago, O. (2005). -. Jurídicas, 2(2), 165–182. Retrieved from


Oscar Márquez Buitrago
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present article is a pretext to, on one side, speak about the reasons why Law is a science, and at the same time, to comment on juridical dogmatic. As well as proposing some schematic notes on research methodology, explaining what a survey paper consists of and the reference terms that its presentation should include. It proposes a logic work frame for undergraduate and postgraduate Law students, which doesn't seek to substitute the adherence to policies and limits by each Socio—judicial Research Center. This is based on the cooperation to propose a methodological guide that in any event, doesn't seek to substitute the use of specialized literature in research methodology and makes an invitation to examine the world of Science Philosophy.

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