How to Cite
Márquez Buitrago, O. (2007). The new public contractual administration: From the state contract of law 80 of 1993 to the instrument of public administration of law 1150 of 2007. Jurídicas, 4(2), 95–125. Retrieved from


Oscar Márquez Buitrago
Escuela Superior de Administración Pública


The present essay is structured in two parts; the first is an approach to the New Public Administration to locate Law 1150 of 2007 there, and additionally to show how historically our Administrative Law was erratic when considering the State Contracting as an exclusively legal phenomenon and never as an instrument of the public administration system. This is contrary to the French Administrative Law where it has been spoken, for 200 years, of the Principles of Public Administration as something different to Administrative Law. The second part presents some basic glosses concerning why Law 1150 can be a true revolution, and well as signifying a historical opportunity and reminding Former president Julio Cesar Turbay of reducing corruption to just proportions.

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Corte Constitucional, Sentencia 623 de 1999 Magistrado Ponente: Dr. Carlos Gaviria Díaz.

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