DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2018.23.2.3
How to Cite
Hoyos López A, Rúa Vásquez uisa F, Manco L, Machado M, Pérez M, Agudelo RM. Healthy housing in gold mining contexts: the case of three municipalities of the Antioquia west. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2018 May 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];23(2):34-47. Available from:


Alejandra Hoyos López
Universidad de Antioquia
uisa Fernanda Rúa Vásquez
Universidad de Antioquia
Lorena Manco
Universidad de Antioquia
Máxima Machado
Universidad de Antioquia
Margarita Pérez
Universidad de Antioquia
Ruth Marina Agudelo
Universidad de Antioquia


Gold mining is a very important activity for the Colombian economy and of which significant environmental and social impacts are known, among them the vulnerability of a home that provide shelter and is protective factor for its inhabitants, in the midst of a context conditioned by this activity. Objective: To identify the socio-environmental and sanitary conditions in homes and their environment near gold-mining sites according to the “Healthy Housing” category of the Pan American Health Organization-PAHO. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study carried out in six villages in three municipalities of Western Antioquia in the year 2016. The instruments applied were observation and family survey of PAHO’s Healthy Housing Strategy answered by the Head of household, in a sample of 88 homes and their 380 inhabitants distributed in each of the villages selected and directly related to gold exploitation. A uni-varied and bi-varied statistical analysis was performed according to the objectives of the study, making use of SPSS 21 software licensed to Universidad de Antioquia. Results: Poor accessibility to services such as drinking water, transportation, education and health, was identified accompanied by poorly controlled waste management and effluents. Conclusions: In these contexts, there is a need to improve conditions for healthy housing according to PAHO guidelines, even if there is no direct causal relationship for the economic activity developed.

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