DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2022.27.2.16
How to Cite
Corpus Quiguanás J, Mondragón Sánchez EJ, Bernal Ordoñez LK. The Nurse’s Work Process in Primary Health Care: an Integrative Review. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];27(2):222-36. Available from:


Juliana Corpus Quiguanás
Universidad del Quindío
Perfil Google Scholar
Edna Johana Mondragón Sánchez
Universidad del Quindío
Perfil Google Scholar
Lina Karina Bernal Ordoñez
Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective. This work sought to analyze the scientific production regarding the work process of nurses in Primary Health Care in the Colombian context. Methodology. Integrative literature review. The research question was: how is the work process of nurses in Primary Health Care in Colombia? Information collection was carried out during August and September 2021. The databases consulted were: SCOPUS, LILACS, Science Direct, VHL, PubMed and the SciELO electronic library. The inclusion criteria were: original articles published between 2015 and 2021. Results. Three articles were selected to comprise the final sample. Three thematic categories emerged from the results for analysis: knowledge of nursing professionals about PHC; barriers in the work process of nursing professionals in PHC; nursing professional practices in PHC. Conclusions. This review of the literature revealed lack of scientific evidence concerning the role of nursing professionals in primary care in Colombia. It is essential to elucidate the role of nurses in primary care to continue on the path of consolidating and improving actions and strategies, especially in the current context of policy reform of the Colombian health system and the global interests to strengthen primary care.

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