Introduction: The promotion of psychophysical health and the safety of the responsible use of antihypertensive drugs, is a necessity to improve the quality and life expectancy of the patient. Objective: To explore the relationship of risk factors that influence the pharma security for the use of antihypertensive drugs by a group of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional exploratory quantitative study. The Dispensing System for Chronic Users instrument was applied during 2015 in validation to 45 older adults with a clinical diagnosis of cardiovascular disease aged between 50 and 88 years old. Results: The multifactorial ANOVA with the statistical package IBM SPSS 2016, showed a high statistical relationship F (1) = 27.43; p <0.001 between risk factors, non-adherence and ineffectiveness of antihypertensive use. The comparative analysis of the mean difference between non-adherence to treatment and the mean of effective and ineffective pharmacotherapy, revealed a very high difference t (1) = 421.59, p <0.001. Conclusions: This study shows the need to encourage the daily practice of health promotion in the elderly, in order to achieve a stable blood pressure and the prevention of any event and/or problem related to the use of anti-hypertensive drugs that may affect the therapeutic effect and on the well-being of the patient.
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