DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2022.27.1.5
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Molina Betancur JC, Martínez Herrera E. Community sense of coherence in informal settlements: learnings and reflections from Medellín (Colombia). Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];27(1):52-66. Available from:


Juan Camilo Molina Betancur
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar
Eliana Martínez Herrera
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar


Introduction: The urbanization model has caused an increase in social inequities, transgressing the ethical principles of social and spatial justice. The World Health Organization has identified urbanization as one of the major public health challenges of the 21st century. Objective: To understand the Sense of Community Coherence generated through community assets for health in the informal settlement El Faro in the northeast of the city of Medellin.
Materials and methods: This research was conducted under a case study methodology with an interpretive scope, and a narrative analysis of construction of the explanation from seven semi-structured interviews, two photo-voice workshops and a mapping of community assets for health developed between 26 inhabitants of Medellin. Results: From the salutogenic model, the empowerment of the community was recognized because it has allowed them
to face the resistance of the context creating positive and healthy practices. These practices have mobilized their community assets, allowing the development of an important Community Sense of Coherence with which the community faces the challenges of life and builds coherent experiences. Conclusions: The inhabitants have sought to find solutions that respond to the situation of poverty in a bottom-up process that has search to create significant spaces, a greater sense of belonging and a perception of security in inhabiting this territory. Finally, the better the environment is known, the better the communities know each other and the better the community health and social well-being are preserved.

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