The objective of this study was to analyze, using the Rasch model, the evidence of validity of the measure of family functionality obtained from the APGAR-family assessment in older adults in Colombia. A total of 1,514 participants residing in Medellín, Barranquilla and Pasto were surveyed. Rasch analysis of adjustment of response categories, adjustment of items and people, differential functioning of the items, dimensionality and local independence of the items and reliability were carried out. The main results indicated that the response format conforms to the Linacre function optimization requirements. All the items show Infit and Outfit means square in the expected range. The scale is one-dimensional and Wright’s reliability was estimated at 0.962. It is concluded that the APGAR-family assessment in Colombian older adults provides a one-dimensional measure of family functionality at the interval level, reliable and unbiased by age and gender, which allows classifying five levels of family functionality for screening purposes.
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