DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2021.26.1.13
How to Cite
Saletti Cuesta L, Tumas N, Berra S. Perception of risk facing coronavirus in the first phase of the pandemic in Argentina. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];26(1):163-78. Available from:


Lorena Saletti Cuesta
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Perfil Google Scholar
Natalia Tumas
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: to analyze the factors associated with the perception of risk of coronavirus in the first phase of the pandemic in Argentina. Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out in the Argentine adult population (n = 992). An online survey of the World Health Organization adapted to Argentina was applied in March-2020. The association between the perception of probability of contagion and severity in case of contagion and feelings related
to the coronavirus, self-efficacy and health, were estimated using multiple linear regression models. Results: The perception of risk facing the first phase of the pandemic was moderate. However, the proportion of people who indicated high scores in the perception of severity was much higher compared to the perception of probability of contagion. The perception of probability of contagion was lower at greater perception of remoteness of the virus and it was greater at a higher frequency of information search. The perception of severity in case of contagion was positively associated with frequency of information search. Instead, it was inversely associated with the perception of remoteness of the virus and self-efficacy. Conclusions: There are different social and emotional factors associated with the perception of contagion and severity of coronavirus in Argentina. This complexity should be considered
in the design of public policies for the prevention of COVID-19. 

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