Objectives: To characterize the quality of life of Colombian adults with intellectual disabilities through the INICO-FEAPS scale validated for Colombia. Methods: Correlational study carried out with 602 adults with intellectual disabilities and their key informants from different Colombian macro-regions. A social-demographic questionnaire, a self-report and a report by others of the INICO-FEAPS scale, created from the quality of life model proposed by Schalock and Verdugo was used. Results: The dimensions in which higher average scores of quality of life were evident, both in the self-report and the report by other people, were physical well-being (mean = 28.53 and 28.30) and social inclusion (mean = 27.70 and 28.37). The lowest scores were recorded in the self-determination (mean = 24.57 and 24.46) and interpersonal relationships (mean = 25.16 and 25.11) dimensions. The variables that exhibited the greatest amount of meaningful relationships with the different dimensions of the scale were the region of origin, educational level and occupational status. Conclusions: The lower scores in the dimensions of interpersonal relationships and self-determination indicate the need to promote the establishment of an adequate network of relationships for this population, and provide more support regarding opportunities to choose and make decisions that allow them to take control of their lives. Also, the relationships found between social-demographic factors and quality of life, show the need to implement interventions aimed at improving the education and employment conditions of the population in order to improve their personal results.
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