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Fonseca Estupiñan GP, Rodríguez Barreto LC, Parra Pulido JH. Relationship between executive functions and academic performance by subject areas in 6 to 12 years old school children. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2016 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];21(2):41-58. Available from:


Gina Paola Fonseca Estupiñan
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Lucía Carlota Rodríguez Barreto
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Javier Humberto Parra Pulido


Objective: To establish the relation between the executive functions and the academic performance in five subject areas (Mathematics, Geostatistics, English, Social Studies and Spanish) in a private school in the city of Tunja. Materials and methods: A descriptive correlational study was carried out with 139 six to twelve years old students (M=9.20; Ds=2.02), 65 boys and 74 girls, using the ENFEN test and the average of the subject areas selected in grades 5th to 7th to evaluate academic performance obtained in the first semester which went from February to July 2015, moment in which the executive functions were also evaluated. Results: Data were analyzed with the Rho de Spearman test to determine correlation. The descriptive results show improvement in the performance in neuropsychological tests with increase in the medians as age increases. Correlations between executive functions and the academic performance that change for each range of age were identified, considering strong and significant correlations in the ages 6 and 9 with selective-sustained attention processes, working memory, fluency (phonological and semantic), memory, mental planning and flexibility with all the subject areas for 10 years old students between inhibition tests in tasks that require the use of another language and moderated correlations in the ages of 7, 8 and 12 years between attention processes, memory, planning and inhibition with different subject areas for each age. Conclusions: The results show the importance of executive functions in learning processes. Research of this type is recommended with different sample group

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