DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2017.22.2.2
How to Cite
Mendoza Mendoza AA, de La Victoria Ojeda M, Zárate Arroyo AA. Efficiency in the quality of the service of health promotion entities of the colombian subsidized regime. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];22(2):13-25. Available from:


Adel Alfonso Mendoza Mendoza
Universidad del Atlántico
Melannye de La Victoria Ojeda
Universidad del Atlántico
Allison Andrea Zárate Arroyo
Universidad del Atlántico


Objective: To evaluate the efficiency in the quality of Health Promotion Entities service of the subsidized regime between 2011-1 and 2014-1. Materials and Methods: A descriptive retrospective study of the quality in the subsidized regime health promotion entities service was performed supported by the data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology using the output-oriented model proposed by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes. A selection of a set of variables was performed from the database of the National Health Board. Results: The results indicate that 14 of the 22 evaluated entities showed efficiency greater than 90% during the study period. Conclusions: The envelopment analysis of data allowed identifying the subsidized regime Health Promotion Entities (EPS) that obtained a good performance in the period of study, as well as the average efficiency that did not exceed 70%, which shows that Colombia is currently undergoing a crisis in the health sector.

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