DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2018.23.1.8
How to Cite
Niño Bautista L, Oviedo Cácere M del P, Camargo Figuera FA, Velasco Rangel CM, Hakspiel Plata MC, Pineda Rodríguez LP. Motivation and achievement in education processes for teaching sexuality. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 May 18];23(1):106-22. Available from:


Lucila Niño Bautista
Universidad Industrial de Santander
María del Pilar Oviedo Cácere
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Fabio Alberto Camargo Figuera
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Claudia Milena Velasco Rangel
Universidad Industrial de Santander
María Constanza Hakspiel Plata
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Liliana Patricia Pineda Rodríguez
Universidad Industrial de Santander


Objective: To evaluate motivation as an essential element to the training process on education for the sexuality of an elementary and middle school group of teachers and to appreciate the changes achieved by the group. Materials and methods: Explanatory-quantitative-qualitative sequential mixed design study with 81 teachers from two public educational institutions of Oiba and Simacota, Department of Santander, who participated voluntarily in the research project during 2016. The quantitative stage, a cross-sectional design and non-experimental analytical empirical approach, evaluated the motivation of the group before starting the training. An instrument built and validated previously by the research team was used and it was analyzed using the Rasch model, establishing significant relationships between sociodemographic variables and types of motivation. In the qualitative stage, the phenomenological approach and the conversational technique were used to gather the essential of the experience lived by the group and achievements. Results: More than half of the group showed high internal motivation; the external motivation was distributed in low, medium and high and a demotivated group in a low-level was identified. The reliability of the individuals in the three groups was very low which may suggest that the sample was not the best to measure the construct, although the instrument (items) showed good properties to evaluate it. The qualitative stage corroborated high internal motivation in the group, expanded the understanding of quantitative results and identified important changes in the group. Conclusions: The testimonies contributed by many of the attendees evidenced changes in relation to the education for the sexuality, which was the objective to be achieved.

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