DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2019.24.1.9
How to Cite
Cardona Arango D, Segura Cardona Ángela, Segura Cardona A, Muñoz Rodríguez DI, Agudelo Cifuentes MC. Happiness as a predictor of family functionality of the elderly in three cities of Colombia. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 13 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];24(1):97-111. Available from:


Maite Catalina Agudelo Cifuentes
Universidad CES
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: To determine the predictive capacity of happiness on the family functioning of the elderly in three cities of Colombia. Materials and methods: Analytical, cross sectional, primary source study with 1514 surveys applied to people aged 60 and older, residents in the cities of Medellín, Barranquilla and Pasto in 2016. Family functionality was explored with the family APGAR scale, along with demographic, social and the physical, mental, functional and health status of the elderly. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes were carried out to adjust the confounding variables and a predictive model was calculated with the backward method (Wald). Results: The characteristics associated to family functioning were: city of residence, female gender, having a sentimental partner, high educational level, not suffering from mental disorders, perception of happiness without risk of depression, low vulnerability, and having social support. The characteristics that contributed to this prediction were: being a woman, being happy, not having depression, not being vulnerable, having adequate instrumental and social support, and not having been mistreated. Happiness is the greatest predictor according to the calculated model with sensitivity of 92.6% and specificity of 40.8%. Conclusion: if the subjective well-being of the elder is strengthened, it will be possible to see old age with a positive image as a facilitator of good family relationships and an active member of society.

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