DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2019.24.2.10
How to Cite
Peñaranda Correa F, Betancurth Loaiza DP, Bastidas Acevedo M, Escobar Paucar GM, Otálvaro Orrego JC, Torres Ospina JN, Gómez Correa JA, Villa Vélez L. Education, child rearing and social justice. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2019 May 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];24(2):123-35. Available from:


Fernando Peñaranda Correa
Universidad de Antioquia
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Diana Paola Betancurth Loaiza
Universidad de Caldas
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Miriam Bastidas Acevedo
Universidad de Antioquia
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Gloria Matilde Escobar Paucar
Universidad de Antioquia
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Jaider Camilo Otálvaro Orrego
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar
Julio Nicolás Torres Ospina
Universidad de Antioquia
Lilliana Villa Vélez
Universidad de Antioquia
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Objective: Promotion of health allows to put into practice theoretical foundations that can improve health behaviors of the population, for which it is necessary to develop a health promoting lifestyle. A positive approach to generate health in young adults is to promote the salutogenic approach to health by encouraging the use of resources the person has and developing a sense of coherence. The main objective of this paper is to identify a health promoting lifestyle and its relationship with the sense of coherence in young adult university students in Sonora, Mexico. Materials and methods: descriptive, correlational study with 300 undergraduate students. Prior informed consent, a sociodemographic data card, the Life Style Questionnaire II and the Sense of Coherence-13 Scale were applied. Results: young adults showed enough general health promoting lifestyle (51.0%), with a higher incidence in women (52.1%). Health sciences students (55.2%) obtained an insufficient health promoting lifestyle and there was statistically significant difference by career. The general sense of coherence was high (52.0%), being predominant in men (58.0%) and in health sciences students (57.2%); there was no statistically significant difference according to gender and careers. It was evidenced that a sufficient health promoting lifestyle fosters the development of a high sense of coherence. Conclusions: it is essential to establish programs for the development of life skills to ensure better health and well-being of future generations of young adults by promoting the development of a sense of coherence.

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