Objectives: Describe the Factors of health services and users’ satisfaction associated to the access to antenatal care (AC) at health institutions in Manizales and Cali. Materials and Methods: Case-control case study with a sample of pregnant women attending the AC in seven centers. A questionnaire was applied to 823 pregnant women to collect information. Another questionnaire was applied to four nurses in charge of the AC programs. The dependent variable was the access to the AC and the independent variables were the presence of administrative, economic, and geographic barriers, and perception of care, guidance provided and the physical appearance of health services. The variables that queried about active search strategies were: the proportion of pregnant women registered in the first trimester, use of brochures or posters raise awareness of timely access to AC. Results: Factors such as ethnicity (P = 0.01), the type of health insurance (P = 0.001), activity of the mother in the last month (P = 0.04), low economic capacity (P = 0.038), not being Affiliated to any health system (P < 0.001) and paperwork (P = 0.003) had significant differences between the groups. Both groups had positive opinions about treatment, counseling and physical appearance of health services. Conclusions: Aspects such as the decreased spending, the inconvenience arising from the care and facilities, in addition to good treatment, respect, empathy with pregnant women should be part of plans for the improvement of the quality of care of the AC.
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