Objective: To assess, by estimating the prevalence, the frequency of eating disorder behaviors in a randomly selected sample of students from the city of Tunja and simultaneously, to identify posible related factors. Materials and Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study. Anthropometric measurement was carried out to a 236 sample of secondary school students and two instruments were applied: Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) and self-perception of body image. Results: Mean age 14.8 years (SD = 2.12). Overall prevalence of eating disorders behavior 16.5% (95%CI = 11.9 to 21.9); higher prevalence in women than in men. Causal association between an atypical self-perceived body image and an abnormal Body Mass Index (OR = 16.8) and between an atypical desirable body image and an abnormal Body Mass Index (OR = 8.6) were found. Conclusions: High overall prevalence of eating disorder behaviors was found which suggests the need to design and implement educational intervention strategies in food and nutrition in school children and adolescents’ groups to consolidate habits and healthy lifestyles.
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