How to Cite
Avella Chaparro RE. Measurement of the physical activity during leisure time of the Usaquen locality residents, 2008. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2009 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];14(1):13-22. Available from:


Rafael Ernesto Avella Chaparro
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales. Bogotá


Objective: the identification and classification of the physical activity performed by Usaquen (Bogotá - Colombia) residents during their free time through the GPAQ. Methodology: a sample of 395 residents divided in nine zonal planning units (UPZ) from the town of Usaquen was used. The age range of the population was between 15 and 64 years age, taking into account factors such as gender, time spent on activities in different areas (leisure, work and home). The GPAQ, part of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire constructed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and validated internationally for monitoring physical activity in countries, was used. Results: 54% of the sample consisted of women devoting thirty minutes to physical activity during their leisure time; while 46% of men spend on average 58 minutes in physical activity during their free time. Significant differences between those who perform strenuous physical activity and those who do not in regarding gender, where the value of Ji squared = 15.09 degrees of freedom (P = 0.0001). While there isnt a statistically significant association between residents who performed moderate or low physical activity and those who do not perform any physical activity, where Ji-squared = 0.58 degrees of freedom (P = 0.44). It was possible to identify the physical activity performed during leisure time, taking into account gender and age among the residents of the Usaquen locality in Bogotá.

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