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Romero Acosta K, Domènech Llaberia E. Comorbidity of anxiety and depression symptoms in children: ¿a new disorder?. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2012 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];17(2):169-81. Available from:


Kelly Romero Acosta
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Edelmira Domènech Llaberia
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Objective: To examine the comorbidity phenomenon of anxiety and depression symptoms in  children. Methodology: Review of available articles in the PsycINFO data bases and in the University Autonomous of  Barcelona data bases using as key words: anxiety symptoms, depression symptoms and comorbidity.  Results: Anxiety and depression symptoms have a high prevalence in childhood. Some children, without  fulfilling all criteria for diagnosing psychological disorders, report symptoms that cause impairment at  school, at home or with friends. Frequently, both groups of symptoms are found comorbid in the same  individual produccing difficulties in the treatment process. Approximately, for the last twenty years, studies  about the comorbidity phenomenon between psychological disorders, such as, anxiety and depression have  been carried out. The results of this research work support the possibility of a new mixed anxiety/depression  disorder with worse health consequences. This opens new possibilities for research about the study of  disorders and symptoms in childhood, which will be extended in this work.

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