How to Cite
Pinilla Gómez E, Orozco Vargas LC, Camargo Figuera FA, Berrío JA, Medina Moreno LX. Bullying among adolescent attending school: validation of the nursing diagnosis “risk of violence directed to others”. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2012 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];17(1):45-58. Available from:


Elvinia Pinilla Gómez
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga
Luis Carlos Orozco Vargas
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga
Fabio Alberto Camargo Figuera
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga
Jonathan Alexander Berrío
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga
Leydi Xiomara Medina Moreno
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga


Adolescence is a stage in which a series of physical, psychological and social factors arise which contribute to  the personality shaping;, the way in which adolescents face these changes are reflected in the permissibility  and violence behaviors they externalize to various situations of everyday life. Objective: to validate the  nursing diagnosis “risk of violence directed to others” among adolescents attending school. Method: a  cross-sectional study, where the population was teenagers from a Middle School in Rionegro (Santander,  Colombia). The main variable was the “risk of violence directed at others”, the data collection was carried out using an assessment screening instrument for the adolescent attending school. The clinical validity of the  diagnosis, was performed using factor analysis and Rasch analysis. Results: the population comprised 300  adolescents, the median age was 14 years, and 58.67% were female. The items that fitted the Rasch model  analysis with a INFIT are ranging between 0.85 the lowest and 1.24 the the highest, and OUTFIT ranging  between 0.65 the lowest and 1.77 the highest. It shows that women are more assailant than males, with a mean of 1.53 risk of violence for women and an average of 1.03 for men, with a probability p=0.0006.  Conclusion: clinical validation of nursing diagnoses, contributes to the evidence and the growth of the  profession as a science of care.

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