How to Cite
Castañeda Valencia CR, Orozco Giraldo MJOG, Rincón Mancera GP. “Empowerment” a possible utopia to rebuild humanization in critical care units. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 May 18];20(1):14-3. Available from:


Cándida Rosa Castañeda Valencia
Myriam Jannette Orozco Giraldo Orozco Giraldo
Gloria Patricia Rincón Mancera


Objective: To inquire about humanization of Care, its barriers and implementation of "Empowerment" Models in Critical Care Units, in order to strengthen humanization policies of Institutional Care. Materials and Methods: Mixed Study of sequential order. Phase I: Integrative Review of Scientific Literature and Phase II: Qualitative, phenomenological, descriptive, with theoretical supported on Watson, Spreitzer and Kanter's Models and the data triangulation method. Ten (10) semi-structured interviews were carried out with nurses who worked in Critical Care Units (ICU) in the city of Manizales and five (5) patients who had left these units were surveyed. The information was analyzed by contrasting emerging categories found in the data network, deconstruction, and the analysis and interpretation of data. Results: Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring is a construct that brands the nursing clinical practice: "Empowerment" is an integrative model of organizational community, through which, nursing assumes a participative leadership. This allowed promoting an empirical approach for a possible generalization of the phenomenon and a proposal for institutional improvement. Conclusions: Empowerment as disciplinary tool that allows facing difficulties in identity in the professional role and the adherence of Watson's Theory of Human Care in yuxtaposition to the Taxonomy of NANDA Nursing Diagnoses becomes a proposal to transcend the barriers of care in the Intensive Care Units.

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