How to Cite
Franco Jiménez AM, Ayala Zuluaga JE, Ayala Zuluaga CF. Gym health: a look from personal satisfaction. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];16(1):186-99. Available from:


Alejandra María Franco Jiménez
Universidad del Quindío, Colegio La Salle (Pereira).
José Enver Ayala Zuluaga
Universidad del Quindío
Carlos Federico Ayala Zuluaga
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Objective: to identify the reasons for entering or abandoning the physical exercise centers and describe one of the relationships found related with the users' "Personal Satisfaction" and health in the Gyms in the city of Manizales. Methodology: hermeneutic, qualitative type approach with a quasi-ethnographic method. Results: There results herby expressed are centered in the relationship between personal desire, health and physical exercise centers, basically in what is concerned with the configuration weaved between psychic outcomes, the users' positive affectation, physiological outcomes, disease prevention, aesthetic outcomes, and the construction of healthy concepts; this construction is made from the perception of those attending the gym. Conclusion: There is a perception of personal satisfaction in the gym that is associated with the configuration of the psychic, the physiological and the aesthetic which is supported by society and the life history of the subjects and ends up instituting a welfare concept while integrating the diverse dimensions of the human being.

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