Objective: In order to contribute to the accomplishment of law 1384 from 2010, this descriptive research including both, qualitative and quantitative components, was carried out with the general objective of determining, along with the current hospital attention lineaments in Colombia, the agreement between the knowledge related to the most important types of cancer among last year medicine students from the Universities of Manizales. Materials and method: the population for study was constituted by last year students from the Medicine Programs at Universidad de Caldas and Universidad de Manizales and the institutional programs of the academic activities describing the curriculum. Cancer, as a topic of study is scattered in different subjects and educational levels; very few subjects include education in the diagnosis and treatment as an objective, and the inclusion of clinic guides about cancer is not a constant in the subjects' curricula. In spite that some types of cancer are approached in some subjects, this fact was not correlated with a better performance in the knowledge test. The level of knowledge demonstrated in the test was inadequate and there are not meaningful differences in the final grade average obtained in both groups of students. The types of cancer in which there was a better performance coincide because they are dealt with in subjects taken by students by the end of the medical education process. Conclusion: The findings of this investigation allow for the proposal of the creation of a subject dealing with cancer, specifically in everything concerned with prevention and early detection of cancer which must be planned by the end of the educational process of future medical doctors.
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