How to Cite
Delgado Bravo AI, Basante Castro Y del R, Rosero Otero LM. Tendencies in health research. Universidad Mariana. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2010 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];15(2):143-56. Available from:


Adriana Isabel Delgado Bravo
Universidad Marina. Pasto
Yudy del Rosario Basante Castro
Universidad Marina. Pasto
Lola Mildred Rosero Otero
Universidad Marina. Pasto


Objective: the aim of this study was to analyze trends in research activity in the Undergraduate and Graduate Health Programs at Universidad Mariana from Pasto, Nariño, Colombia. Methodology: the research was taken from the "Elizabeth Guerrero" library from 2004 to 2007. Through content analysis, data was collected for each investigation taking into account the following variables: Identification of the project, the research problem statement, theories and theoretical models, methodology and innovation. Results: 39.4% of the projects are focused on the sub-line healthy lifestyle. The paradigms most frequently used in the graduate programs in the health and nursing programs were quantitative research in 76 (69.7%) research works. It is important to note that 14 reports (12.8%) included both paradigms simultaneously. Only 32.1% out of the total investigation works uses the consent form, and there was no Ethics Committee approval. The projects have no impact because there are no publications available or any defined actions from actions projects. According to the research problem statement it was presented one type that leads to applied research. Conclusion: A major balance between the theoretical research in relation to the practical ones is required. Theoretical referents based on models and theories were not included.

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