How to Cite
Aguilera Velasco M de los Ángeles, Torres López TM, Rodríguez García RM, Acosta Fernández M. Cultural dimensions of the health concept on retired workers from Guadalajara, Mexico. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2010 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];15(2):13-27. Available from:


María de los Ángeles Aguilera Velasco
Universidad de Guadalajara
Teresa Margarita Torres López
Universidad de Guadalajara
Rosa María Rodríguez García
Universidad de Guadalajara
Martín Acosta Fernández
Universidad de Guadalajara


Objectives: To investigate the social construction of the health concept through the exploration of meanings, cognitive dimensions and cultural consensus in workers retired from the Instituto Mexiocano del Seguro Social, with the intention to contribute with meaningful data for the design of intervention and health promotion actions. Material and methods: qualitative study with descriptive, cross-sectional and exploratory design. It was carried out in the Metropolitan Area in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, between January and August, 2009. The data collection techniques were "free list" and "pile sort" methods in successive stages with 20 people each. Cultural domain analysis was performed. Results: the health concept was defined mainly through the well-being concept. The cognitive dimensions of the concept revealed a very wide and complete vision in retired people which included the search for personal independence and the balance of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social aspects where economy was identified as a conditioning aspect for them to be at ease and healthy. Cultural consensus at a rate of 3,888 and an average of cultural competence at 0.512 was observed. Conclusions: the elements to be considered in the health intervention and promotion programs cover a comprehensive perspective. They include adequate food, medical prevention and attention, exercise, outdoors activities, fun, rest, maintenance of internal health, stimulation of self-acceptance and enjoyment of social relations and religious believes. Because of the absence of altruistic elements, the promotion of supporting activities for vulnerable groups is recommended.

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