How to Cite
Córdoba Andrade L, Restrepo Rivera AM, Tamayo Cardona JA, Peña Siabato M del P, Verdugo Alonso M Ángel. Personal, family and social variables associated with comorbility between mental retardation and mental disorders in adults. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2010 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];15(1):13-28. Available from:


Leonor Córdoba Andrade
Universidad de La Sabana. Bogotá
Angélica María Restrepo Rivera
Hospital Psiquiátrico Universitario del Valle. Fundación Valle de Lilí. Cali
Julián Andrés Tamayo Cardona
Universidad del Valle. Cali
María del Pilar Peña Siabato
Miguel Ángel Verdugo Alonso
Universidad de Salamanca


Objective: describe the psychosocial variables associated to a dual diagnosis (mental retardation - mental disorders) in a sample of adults in the city of Cali. Method: fifty dyads took part, made up of one adult with dual diagnosis (ADD) and their principal care taker. A care-taker's questionnaire (CADIT), designed by the authors was used together with the Integral Quality of Life Scale (Verdugo, Arias & Gómez, 2007) adapted by the authors this study to the population of Cali. Results: The personal factor showed adequate levels of welfare (66%), treatment adherence (86%) and self-care (82%); there was also medium satisfaction in the individual-context relation (54%). In the family factor, the study revealed a good level of needs' satisfaction and sufficient resources to cope with day-to-day situations (84%), adequate family functioning (86%) and for 60% of the sample the family's participation in the ADD's rehabilitation registered between poor and deficient. In the social factor regular support was found (68%) and a medium inclusion of 52% of the sample.  Conclusions: the results of this study manifest the need to manage intervention programs toward strengthening family relationships as the main support for ADD, the promotion of ADD's autonomy within and outside the household, and the development of public policies that create educational and employment opportunities for ADD, for their social inclusion.

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