How to Cite
Henao Lema CP, Gil Obando LM. Quality of life and disability status. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2009 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 May 17];14(2):112-25. Available from:


Claudia Patricia Henao Lema
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
Lida Maritza Gil Obando
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales


Introduction: The study of the quality of life of handicapped people has highly increased during the last decades, and addressed from diverse areas such as health, rehabilitation, social services and education. The trend in this subject tends to recognize the holistic nature of human beings, the complexity of humancontext relations, the life conditions faced by people living with disability and their future perspectives. Objective: Identify and reflect on the quality of life, specifically regarding disability, based on the theoretical models and the most relevant elements the subject matter implies. In order to achieve this aim, definitions on quality of life constructed by different authors will be used; then, the quality of life in handicapped persons will be analyzed; after that, the measurement of quality of life will be approached in a concise manner emphasizing the model proposed by Schalock. Finally, the proposal using the Quality of Life construct as a measurement tool in order to evaluate the strategies and the results of the programs, services and treatments in health and rehabilitation area is presented, in order to determine to what extent these results can impact the quality of life of handicapped persons. The present paper is the result of a theoretical reflection of the authors in the Masters Program on Disability at the Universidad Autónoma y of Manizales.

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