How to Cite
Franco Peláez ZR. Bioethics and care ethics for integral human development. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2009 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 May 21];14(2):75-92. Available from:


Zoila Rosa Franco Peláez
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Introduction: This research carries out the second part of the Final Report with the results of the participants expressions regarding the imaginary and everyday compromises to care ethics and bioethics in order to support the quality of life as a condition to reach an integral human development of the students from the Faculty of Juridical and Social Sciences at the Universidadde Caldas. It also interprets the imaginaries and constructs the sense of bioethics as a consciously experienced care ethics, and to rethink its contribution to human development. Objectives: In order to reach the objectives, the data were interpreted from the pragmatic level, meaning, knowing how to to be able to accomplish something; the theoretical level to locate the the sense of the concepts within the context. Methodology: The qualitative method was used in the research by means of a focus group with open interviews . Work unit: students from the Social Work Program and Masters Program in Culture and Drugs; analysis unit: texts produced with the transcript of responses from the participants on the research topics raised. Results: The results lead to the reflexive sense that the students give to the elements that they consider the most relevant to assume bioethics as a care ethics in achieving an integral human development.

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