During the time period between December 1999 and April 2000 an exploratory descriptive analysis and a factorial analysis of multiple correspondences were carried out in a sample of 129 women, who were admitted in the Cervix Cancer Unit of Universidad de Caldas and in the municipal rural settlements of El Tablazo, La Cabaña, El KM 41, with the purpose of determining the existence of the relation between sexual behaviors and some chronic pathologies of the lower female genital tract. The collection of the information was carried out by means of the use of a survey that included sociodemographic, clinical and sexual behavioral aspects (primary information) and data from the clinical histories (secondary information). The information obtained was submitted to a factorial analysis of multiple correspondences and to a cluster analysis and they were carried out using the SPAD-WIN software. The partial results obtained allowed us to deduce that there is not a direct relation between the Human Papillomaviruses HPV and the initiation age of sexual activity, moreover the relation between STDs, specially HPV, and the number of sexual partners is not clearly established. Finally, the lack of protection is considered as a high risk behavior for acquiring HPV and other STDs.
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