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Jaramillo Ángel CP, Benjumea Rincón MV. Situational diagnosis of the female inmates of the Manizales prison. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2007 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];12:109-22. Available from:


Claudia Patricia Jaramillo Ángel
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
María Victoria Benjumea Rincón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Objective: to diagnose the situation of inmates of the Female Prison of the municipality of Manizales in the areas of primary attention, environmental sanitation, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, education, legal situation and organizational behavior during the first semester of 2006. Materials and methods: descriptive study. Population of the study: 39 inmates of the Female Prison of the municipality of Manizales. Variables: socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, basic necessities, primary attention, sexual and reproductive health, education, environmental sanitation, mental health and organizational behavior. The variables were described using average and standard deviation, absolute and relative frequencies. The statistical processing of the data was carried out with the SPSS v.14.0 program. Results: the average age was 34,1±11,1 years. The predominant social status was unmarried and the average number of children was 2,86±2,0. The most common schooling level was incomplete secondary studies and the illiteracy was of 10,3%. The previous occupation of the majority was as a housewife. In the nutritional state, low weight was not seen in the inmates. 97.3% were sentenced and 2.7% syndicated. The first time inmates corresponded to 78.4%. During the imprisonment, the majority had access to education; more than half occupied their time with manual work. The evaluation of the basic necessities in the prison was mainly optimum. The use of free time was mainly used in manual works. The preferred physical activities were aerobics and basketball. During imprisonment 5 inmates consumed psychoactive substances. The periodic medical consultations, the psychological support and social work and the access to contraceptive methods were the most deficit services. Most of them had oral health problems. The majority of diseases reported during the imprisonment were infectious. 89.7% considered that the sexual education they received was satisfactory. The reasons for consultation were migraine, lumbago and epigastric pain. None of the inmates reported sexual abuse within the reclusion center. The perceived environmental sanitation conditions were in their majority satisfactory. The inmates declared having the opportunity to express their inquiries to the directors of the institution. In the mental health evaluation of the inmates 44.4% showed normality, 33,3% high deterioration, and 22,2% low deterioration.

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