Health cultural systems can be studied in historical perspective decentralizing the observation point and can critically self –examine the processes of its formation, with this temporal distance. If the health cultural systems assume that what they are today, is not what they have always been, as well as observing in the same manner, that in the future they will not be what they are today, and join past with future through cultural research in health. This article presents some historical researches that the author carried out at the National Museum of Madrid from 2000 to 2003, with the purpose of finding, in these Spanish artistic samples, the cultural symbolog of health that probably influenced the health culture in Colombia. These discussions do not respond to an empirical or descriptive research logic, but to some more comprehensive forms through the myth analysis technique, that is proposed as a useful tool for the systematic understanding of historical processes, in such a way that the result of the study provide some criteria for the contemporary participation in health promotion programs.
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